90’s – fashion no-go-area!

If I can open a photo-album in order to get a feeling of a deep humiliation and bitter embarrassment for my early fashion choices back in 90s, then I certainly do not want to buy this stuff once again in the prospect of a second embarrassment years after my teenage hormones finally let go off me and I could achieve some moderate proficiency in style-issues.

No! No! No! Dear designers and retailers, 90s is an absolute fashion No-Go-AREA! It is just like a bad neighbourhood where you know also very nice people come from – you still don’t go there at night-time!

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Genius for Generation

There are so many brilliant people in this world!

Sometimes I feel grotesquely overwhelmed by a desire to read, to see, to experience, to feel, to try everything they have ever written, created, done, thought, imagined and touched. Sometimes I am afraid, and it is probably true, that I still know nothing, nothing at all. Sometimes I want to embrace our world in its entire greatness and I am so anxious that I am not worthy of it, not keen enough to perceive its ultimate brilliancy. Sometimes I think that there is just not enough time…

Continue reading “Genius for Generation”


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